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Tag archive for ‘Excel Data Import’

When data analysis requirements really get tough, the tough get going- and start to seriously use databases. Let’s face it, if you’re considering Microsoft Access chances are what you need to get done is beyond what Excel does well, so you’re looking for options. Its also likely that your IT department is unable or un-willing […]

  • MS Access vs Excel vs Datamartist

    When data analysis requirements really get tough, the tough get going- and start to seriously use databases. Let’s face it, if you’re considering Microsoft Access chances are what you need to get done is beyond what Excel does well, so you’re looking for options. Its also likely that your IT department is unable or un-willing […]

  • Excel auto formating is getting into your genes

    We often give Excel our data, and trust it to do the right thing. There was a link posted on meta-filter today that sparked some lively discussion amongst the crowd. The Excel auto formating “feature” loves to scramble common genetic nomenclature. It turns out that in the genetics field, common codes get converted to incorrect […]

  • Creating a Fact Table with the Vendor dimension Purchasing DM (Part 2)

    In creating a data warehouse or data mart data model there are two key types of tables- fact tables and dimension tables. Fact tables hold the data to be analyzed, dimensional tables provide categories and analysis values that organize the data. So we have our mission from Part 1: to analyze the “Acme does everything” […]

  • Importing Data into Excel

    I’ve seen lots of Business Intelligence (BI) solutions, (data marts, data warehouses and the accompanying reports and dashboards) using all sorts of different tools. But I’ll tell you- NO tool has yet been as successful as Microsoft Excel for providing a do it yourself data analysis platform to import data into. Now, I’m not suggesting […]