Help and support service

When you purchase Datamartist, one year of support and free upgrades is included with your license. After that, by purchasing an annual maintenance subscription for around 20% of the corresponding products purchase price when you buy the subscription, you can continue to have priority Datamartist support access, and upgrades.

We believe that one of the big differentiators between huge software companies and not-so-huge software companies often is the quality of their customer service. We want to show you that this true.

Email us at and we will do everything we can to get back to you at the very least by the next business day.

We’re based in Toronto, Canada, which is Eastern Standard Time, but if the need arises we’re ready to talk at any time.

Communicate with us – we want to hear what you love about Datamartist and how its changing the way you get at your data, what went well, and particularly if something didn’t go so well. That way we can make Datamartist better and better. Report bugs via email, or use the Give Feedback button right on the Datamartist toolbar.

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